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Hi Fam. This is a blog i have on my website: I thought id post it here on Blacknet to get more reach thus inform more of the people i want it to reach.
If you ask most people in the UK or anywhere else in the world what is frequency or vibration they would not know. In an nutshell it is energy & in this universe everything is energy. For this blog i will be referring to British society as it is the country i have spent the most time in within the last 50 years.
The British public in general are engineered with information which is a form of energy, when the mind is programmed with this form of ELF frequency it not only controls our perception & behaviour it actually jacks us away from who we ancestrally are, it also after life-jacks us, let me explain:
All humans regardless of so called race or ethnicity, essentially have variations of basically the same historic spiritual systems which mostly comes down to being what is called Animist societies.
These Animist societies almost always trained their communities to not only learn and study nature, the universe and deep veneration of their ancestors which was of the most crucial importance in these historical cultural dynamics and it was a cradle to grave situation.
All of this cradle to grave training was high frequency energy, this programmes our personal energy signature which is in essence programming our subconscious.
The subconscious you unequivocally take with you to the afterlife, if it has been jacked & polluted with a ELF frequency, within that afterlife unfortunately you will end up in what i call the Nothingness. A jail place like The Phantom Zone those super-villains were put in the superman 2 movie, the difference is, this stuff is real.
England is officially the most paranormal country on this here earth. (How & Why?)
How do we know this? Paranormal activity is read by an electronic hand held device that simply reads the “energy” of the entities presence.
Why there is so much paranormal activity is that the British have been Mind Jacked to the point of when they leave this earth they have not gained the correct energies which is the information in order to take them across and make the correct navigation’s when you are in the afterlife.
90% of British Society Are Nothing More Than Human Drones, Your Every Move Being Dictated By A Programme.
The ancients in all societies explained that without the correct lifelong information you will go nowhere in the afterlife. Beware of the energies you consume or you may get jacked & wind up in the Nothingness when it’s your time to transition.
Read On. I will Explain How To Charge Your Frequency And Get Your Mojo Back!

I Have Seen Many A shadow person From The Other-Side, I Have Never Ever Seen One That Was Vibrating On Any Kind Of High Frequency. This is because they are a community of lost entities.
Most of these Shadow entities are what in Jamaica is known as Duppies which is a malevolent entity, lost in the Dimension of Nothingness. What it comes down to is most folks are suckered into becoming Drones in life, resulting in an afterlife of being transformed into a Duppy!
Enough About The Other-Side, Drones & Duppies. Below Are Some Of The Most Effective Ways You Can Charge Your Frequency:
1. Completely remove all and any acidic food or beverages from out of your life. This of course includes alcohol and fizzy drinks and most definitely junk food. Also avoid all meat if you can and drink at least two litres of water a day.
2. Be mindful of your thoughts. Ancient mystics explained that there is a invisible thought vortex. You can build a vortex of positive or negative thoughts that swirls around you energetically and raises as it builds like an invisible whirlwind.
3. Be mindful of the so called entertainment you consume including social media sites, TV programmes, movies and music and who you follow online. You will know & realize now if they are low frequency. The key thing in what you consume from media channels is that you look for elevation and enlightenment not anything that leaves you deflated.
4. This next one is to build a shrine and meditate to the shrine any time you have free time. Home Shrines change the internal and environmental energy, there is a short learning kerb with shrines which includes keeping them clean, regular meditation or prayer and the set up which can include self made Art, pictures of lost loved ones or anyone you revere and is no longer alive. Also use things you have collected from nature to add to your shrine.
5. Go for regular walks in a natural environment a park is always good. If you can bring a loved one that is an added bonus.
6. Use high vibratory words to gain the positive side of energy. Words are spelled, like spells can work vibrationally to create self fulfilling situations. Use words like friendship, affection, faith, joy, goodness, prosperity, harmony, goodwill, appreciation, optimism unity etc. Also click into the link below for an extensive list of Positive High Vibration Words:
Pick the words in the list that resonate with you the most and use them as much as you can in your everyday conversations.
7. We are spiritual beings having a human existence. Within this there is a directive or purpose which is to learn. If we go through our whole life cycle totally influenced by social engineering the afterlife will be infected by the malware we have spent a lifetime uploading. It is this malware that renders it’s social engineered victim in the afterlife a disembodied spiritually displaced entity perpetually languishing in the nothingness.

Those who expire with most toys win… Meaning information is King and Key to gathering while we are here. Obviously not socially engineered info, spiritually charged historic and present information. And if you can break free from what’s happening. Focus in on manifesting your spiritual aspirations, work towards feasible spiritual goals. Increase your level of consciousness, investigate everything, question everything, especially authority! As you know, the age of info is here so we can quite easily grasp the info to input into our subconscious to take with us so as to gain a smooth afterlife transition. If we apply ourselves.
The First Six Were Essential Basic Ways To Raise Your frequency. Get In Touch With Me: Minister Esteban via the “Contact” Page on my website: Or contact me via this website. I will Supercharge Your Frequency Spiritually By Assisting You To connect The Dots. This will lay you a pathway To Attaining The Most Toys.
Peace & Blessings.