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The Black American Expat Community of the UAE wishes a Happy Juneteenth to everyone who celebrates the freedom of African Americans in 1865. We represent our ancestors with great pride as we enjoy the hard won freedom to pursue our goals and experience all the world has to offer here in the UAE. We stand with our Stateside brothers and sisters in the continued fight for our civil rights and contribute to the development of a global world in which we can all live without the burden of discrimination. @UrbanRiseDubai #UrbanRiseDubai #BlackAmericanExpats
#BlackAmericanExpatsinTheUAE #BlackAmericanExpatsInDubai
#GlobalCitizens #USA2UAE #ExpatLife #ExpatsInDubai #Juneteenth #JuneteenthTribute in 1865. We represent our ancestors with great pride as we enjoy the hard won freedom to pursue our goals and experience all the world has to offer here in the UAE. We stand with our Stateside brothers and sisters in the continued fight for our civil rights and contribute to the development of a global world in which we can all live without the burden of discrimination.
@UrbanRiseDubai #UrbanRiseDubai
#BlackAmericanExpats #BlackAmericanExpatsinTheUAE
#GlobalCitizens #USA2UAE
#ExpatLife #ExpatsInDubai
#Juneteenth #JuneteenthTribute